Thursday, January 7, 2021

Chapter 4: Get Support

Chapter 4: Get Support

The individuals who surround you--your support system--will ascertain how well you'll build and maintain the assurance necessary for success. How come? They are the ones that are feeding your brain on a steady basis.

Bearing self-assurance that will never fail is an expression of a secure mind. Anything we wish to be strong in the future has to be fed well in the present.

An Olympian that dines on shakes and candy bars will be a previous Olympian in no time. A fragile flower that dines on Coke and dark instead of water and sun will be a lifeless flower finally.

By the same token, your brain has to be fed well to become a strong, positive mind.

So, how do you establish a strong support system that will help you?

Build The System

Stand by to the golden rule of constructing a support system. Everybody you invite into your life ought to make you greater. This is the golden rule when establishing your entourage, the individuals with whom you spend the majority of your time. Hang solely with individuals for whom your success is their success. The individuals around you have to support your quest to be great...or be not there!

Line your support system with unconditional love. You require individuals who will be with you, regardless what. When you win, they're happy without reserve or qualification, celebrating like they executed "it" themselves.

They don't excuse your screw-ups, but they'll be with you regardless how many times you screw up. The simple presence of these individuals in your life constructs self-assurance as you will always know that somebody will support you regardless what you try. These individuals make you greater psychologically.

Stockpile your support system with tough love. These are the individuals who will tell you what you have to hear, regardless how much the truth hurts. The tough love members of your entourage are like that manager in your life who's tough, but fair.

They might not always boost you in the nicest way, but they constantly want the best for you. Your duty is to take the tough love advice without being hurt by the words, recognizing that minding the message will make you better.

Get rid of "haters" from your support system. Haters are the pivotal opposite to those bestow unconditional love to your life. Instead of enjoying your success, haters revel in your bad luck. Haters, if they weren't so dangerous, would be pitiable individuals. They're miserable individuals who have already decided that they don't have the talent, drive or mind to be successful.

Sadly, haters have determined that their best hope for happiness is to subvert your attempt to be great instead of stage an endeavor of their own. They want as many individuals as possible to share in their wretchedness. Haters are the greatest threat to your self-confidence and ought to be avoided at any cost.

Get rid of the rivalry from your support system. There's an old saying that says that you ought to “keep your friends close and your enemies closer." I trust nothing may be further from the truth. Your foes, which might include competitors seeking precisely the same prize as you, shouldn't be in your support system except under the most uncommon of conditions.

Part of the advantage of having a solid support system is the power to expose one's weaknesses to that supportive group of individuals without concern of negative consequences. As much as I trust in fellowship, cooperation and the general goodness of humanity, I trust it would be really hard to find the person who, when privy to the failings of the direct competition, wouldn't utilize these weaknesses to his own advantage.

Polish off enablers from your support system. Enablers are those individuals that tell you what you wish to hear, however following their advice constantly seems to get you in trouble. Enablers are the ones that talk you into going out to party the night prior to a huge test. They advise that you go to the casino when you can't afford to lose any more cash. They get you to have that extra piece of cake when you're on a diet. In brief, they're forever talking you into placing yourself in harm's way.

In some way, enablers are the hardest of the damaging influencers to spot as their conduct occasionally looks like unconditional love. You must be extra watchful to see to it that enablers don't drag you into something that you understand you ought to be avoiding.

Become your own best friend. How do you get to be a better friend to yourself? Anybody who wants somebody else to do well will begin by putting him in the best position to succeed.

Great leaders work to produce an environment around those that follow that's conducive to success. Likewise, being your own best friend implies positioning yourself for success as you accept the challenge of greatness.

By surrounding yourself with the correct support system, you'll be well on your way accomplishing the success that you merit.

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